If you can get a good hospital board together, you can change the world. Trustees receive no pay and put in lots of time. They do it because they value a good hospital in the community. It is a pure motive from the heart.
If you can get a good hospital board together, you can change the world. Trustees receive no pay and put in lots of time. They do it because they value a good hospital in the community. It is a pure motive from the heart.
Good. Better. Best on Board!
Best on Board provides healthcare governance courses, nursing governance training, organization board training, us healthcare governance education, and testing & certification for healthcare board members. We enable trustees and healthcare leaders to gain the confidence and competence
needed to make better, more informed decisions. We want to help you govern more
effectively on behalf of the communities you serve. Healthcare
organizations have unique challenges and Best on Board specializes in
helping their boards address this significant responsibility.
Clinical and executive leaders are encouraged to participate in Best on Board programs, healthcare governance certification, healthcare executive training, hospital board governance, and certification so that critical governance knowledge is shared throughout the top levels of organizations.
Clinical and executive leaders are encouraged to participate in Best on Board programs, healthcare governance certification, healthcare executive training, hospital board governance, and certification so that critical governance knowledge is shared throughout the top levels of organizations.
Best on Board offers a rewarding and easy-to-use hospital board governance education and certification process that provides the essential, specialized knowledge and skills needed to govern this critical community resource. Our Montana healthcare governance training will provide you with all the skills to make the correct decisions for your organization in the future.
Best on Board offers its hospital board governance educational programs in an online format which includes quizzes and certification by Best on Board. Courses are content-rich, and engaging, and are designed with adult learning styles and needs in mind.
The online format can be adapted to a classroom setting with a facilitator.
Best on Board offers its hospital board governance educational programs in an online format which includes quizzes and certification by Best on Board. Courses are content-rich, and engaging, and are designed with adult learning styles and needs in mind.
The online format can be adapted to a classroom setting with a facilitator.
Hospitals and healthcare organizations need knowledgeable, skilled and engaged boards to address the challenges that face them. To get the “best on board” they must not only seek those trustees who are the most knowledgeable and competent to serve, but also must be willing to support them in the ongoing learning and development so essential to true hospital board governance.
Best on Board’s Essentials of Healthcare Governance
course series strengthens the ability of current and prospective
trustees and leaders to serve on a healthcare organization governing
Best on Board’s Organizational Structure Course is designed to outline the differences in governance and structure related to the formation of hospital districts and considerations when hospitals are located in frontier areas. Individuals will learn the basics of forming and changing hospital districts, how hospital districts are governed and financed, and the key similarities and differences between hospital districts and private non-profit hospitals.
Best on Board also offers an advanced-level course series, The Quality Imperative,
for participants who want to deepen their understanding of board
responsibilities in this critical aspect of their organization's
Best on Board’s Organizational Structure Course is designed to outline the differences in governance and structure related to the formation of hospital districts and considerations when hospitals are located in frontier areas. Individuals will learn the basics of forming and changing hospital districts, how hospital districts are governed and financed, and the key similarities and differences between hospital districts and private non-profit hospitals.
With the additional benefit of certification (credentialing) as a trustee, this course is a must. I recommend it highly.
Best on Board’s Vision is to increase the confidence and competence of healthcare trustees through hospital board education, testing, and certification.
Best on Board’s Mission is to increase the quality of healthcare governance through:
Designing and delivering comprehensive governance education
Partnering with hospital/healthcare associations to deliver education, testing and certification to their members
Partnering with other organizations with a commitment to improving healthcare governance
Assisting with identifying incentives to help healthcare organizations with the cost of trustee certification
Because nurses have the most contact with patients, families and physicians, nurses have in-depth knowledge of healthcare delivery that could prove valuable to a board of trustees on relevant issues. Best on Board provides crucial nursing governance training that is valuable for all skills and knowledge.